Goals and Values

We seek to employ these values in our attitudes and actions and try to let them guide us in our professional and personal undertakings.

Our Goals

Our commitment to energy efficiency and energy reduction in large organisations is born out of the need for action on global warming.  We believe that human activity, particularly the combustion of fossil fuels, is causing global warming.

Our goal of reducing our clients green house gas emissions is achieved through providing services that reduce energy use.  We reject the paradigm that efforts to reduce green house gas emissions are bad for business.  The fact is that reducing energy costs and reducing carbon emissions go hand in hand.

Our clients continue to discover new benefits from their investment in energy efficiency (staff moral, productivity, market positioning, stakeholder perception) and we hope to demonstrate to all organisations that such investment is ‘worth while’.

Our Values

The following are our core values.  We seek to employ these values in our attitudes and actions and try to let them guide us in our professional and personal undertakings.


GREENHOUSE – We are committed to significantly reducing greenhouse emissions.
– We are committed to actively learning and improving – learning from mistakes, and building up our knowledge.
– We are all organised and focused around achieving our goals.
– We keep our word and act with integrity.

Our Energy Use

As a company focused on energy efficiency and energy conservation, CarbonetiX keeps energy consumption in our own offices at a minimum. In 2008 our energy consumption was 30 kWh per square meter, in 2009 it was 33 kWh per square meter. To put this in context, this is just one quarter of the usage of a typical office of the same size.

View our real-time energy use on Carbon Real-Time: http://carbonrealtime.com.au

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